Historic Sites of Miami Dade
Historic Sites of Miami Dade Villagers’ document organized by location
Historically Designated Properties in Miami-Dade County
National Register of Historic Places listings in Miami-Dade County
Note: The official National Register of Historic Places is now listed under the National Park Services.


Dade Heritage Trust
Dade Heritage Trust (DHT) is the leading voice for historic preservation in Miami-Dade County. Founded as a nonprofit membership organization in 1972, Dade Heritage Trust works to enrich the quality of life for the entire community by sustainably preserving the best of the past for the future. www.DadeHeritageTrust.com

Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables
The Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1991. The mission of the organization is to promote the understanding and importance of historic resources and their preservation. Promoting, protecting, and preserving historic landmarks is HPACG’s purpose. The organization works to focus attention and support of local historic treasures such as the De Soto Fountain, the Granada Boulevard entrances, the Coral Way-Granada fountains, the Country Club Prado entrance and other City landmarks. HPACG has financially contributed to restoration and education causes such as the Save the Alhambra Water Tower Campaign and Coral Gables Museum’s historic walking tours. Membership helps support our work and creates a community that values our history. www.historiccoralgables.org

The Florida Trust for Historic Preservation
The Florida Trust provides preservation education through conferences and workshops, publications, and by touring historical sites that show successful preservation. www.FloridaTrust.org

National Trust for Historic Preservation
For more than 50 years, the National Trust has been helping Americans protect the irreplaceable. A private nonprofit organization with more than 200,000 members, the National Trust is the leader of the vigorous preservation movement that is saving the best of the country’s past for the future. www.PreservationNation.org